Siddha vaidhya’s native is absolutely South India. It is written in our mother tongue, Tamil. We consider ‘lord Shiva’ as the father of Siddha and formulated by Agasthiya muni. Siddha is really a boon for us. When comparing Siddha with Allopathy, siddha filled with natural cosmos and Allopathy deals with chemicals. You check this once and you can say whether siddha is better than Allopathy or not


It is full of chemical products so that you can easily get allergic or side effects. From that it leads to another health problem. In Allopathy, they can give treatment based only on ‘curing diseases’. We must be healthy to fight against illness. But, the aim of Allopathy is only to cure the particular disease on particular time. It will be temporary relief. Gender issues are not in Allopathy. With same medicines, men and women are equally treated. Medicines play a vital role in Allopathy. Diet comes next only.


Siddha is completely based on phytotherapy. So, natural herbs treat so well and it will be a permanent solution. There is no drug content. Siddha treatment is in three types using 1.Herbal products (plants) 2. Animal products 3. Inorganic substances. Likewise there are three types of treatment, 1. Divine method 2. Rational method 3. Surgical method. In siddha, internal medicines and external medicines consist each of 32 types.It is a combination of mythology and our tradition. Siddha focuses on whole healing of a person where Allopathy concentrates only on the disease. Siddha is three hundred and thousands of years old. Based on researches, siddha identifies 4448 diseases. .


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