PCOD Treatments in Siddha,PCOD curableTreatments in Siddha

PCOD Treatments in Siddha,PCOD curableTreatments in Siddha

PCOS – Polycystic ovarian syndrome
A varied secretion of high male hormones like Androgen less secretion of female hormones like Estrogen and progesterone are the major cause of polycystic ovarian syndrome. This syndrome usually identified by inflammation in the ovary due to liquid like deposition in it. This imbalanced hormone secretion also affects with sudden weight gain, psychologically stressed condition, Anger, Pimples, growth of hair in jaw line and face, etc. this syndrome sometimes leads to problems in carrying a child.Herbal Health Care uses natural herbs like Neem, Jeera, turmeric, etc., along with Yoga, Varmam, Diet control, etc., to completely cure patients affected with PCOS


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